To all of my fellow future educators, hang in there we are almost done. I enjoyed having this class with you guys, so bye for now and I will see you all next year. Have a happy Christmas and a happy new year. Thank you Dr. Strange for making me technologically literate.
From Dr Strange's class I have learned a lot. Before coming into this class, I thought I was technologically literate, but now i know that I was not. Now that I have taken this class, I have learned many new and innovative things. The most favorite things that I learned, and would like to take in to the teaching field are the use of blogs and PLN's. When I started my blog, I thought that it would just be for a grade, but I found a part of myself that I never knew existed. I found the technologically literate Margaret. Blogging was a great start for me, and after blogging, I learned how to use skype. Skypeing is totally amazing, I never thought that you could do something like that for free. Now that I know, I will be using it in the future. This class excited me because I wanted to learn more about technology, and in the past I have not had good teachers. One of the most treasured part of the course is when as a class we commented on kids blogs from all across the world. This was very amazing because the kids actually blogged us back. The use of iTunes was also a great experience. You can create pod casts and listen to other pod casts that people made. How AMAZING. The use of google docs is also something that I want to take with me into the teaching field. You can create documents for free, and you can save them to the site. With this use of technology, kids can be free of junk drives and floppy disks, which are a hassle. One of the most creative things i did in this class was use google earth. You can type in any part of the world, and go there right then. I used this with my family to show them how to navigate through it. They loved it and i did too. Personally the only thing that I did not like about this class was the use of foliotek. I believe that foliotek is not worth our hard earned money. Many teachers I know also despise the system, we may never use the portfolio in our professional teaching life. All of the things i used in this class will be helpful to me in the future. Many of them are things I have never heard of and now that I have taken this course I know of. i am thankful for having a technologically literate teacher to show me the way to being technologically literate. I was never bored at any point in this class. Although the work was sort of lenghty, I did it and am proud of myself, because for a long time I wanted to drop the course because of the work load. The only thing about this class I would change is the workload. I believe the workload was unreasonable for college students with many other classes. Nothing about this class challenged me intellectually. Now after taking this class, I consider myself a technologically literate future teacher. I would rate myself as being great. In the future, I will be building up on what I have learned so far in this class, and I will be doing things to show my students how to become technologically literate. I will continue to pursue the many new technologies that will be introduced in the future.
My personal learning network has been acquired through many years of school. My personal Learning network consists of myself, my computer, my cell phone, and mentors. Using my computer, i am able to navigate through countless pages to find the information that I want. I know that computers are an important tool to use when you are a college student. I have to write on average 4 papers a week to atay ahead, and that is one of the reasons that I am thankful for having a computer. In the future, I plan on using computers even more. As time goes by, technology will only get better and better, and i want my students to know that their teacher is tech literate. My mother has been the best advocate for success in my life. She pushes me harder than I push myself. My mother is part of my PLN because she knows things that I do not know. If I need help with anything, my mother will try her best to accomodate me. In the years to come, I will be building up on my PLN to include more people.
Me, Erica, and Stephen did a instructional video. The video was on how to navigate through classroom 2.0. The first thing you have to do is sigh up for the site. Once you have done this, you will receive a email that gives you a link to open. You open the link to verify that you have an accurate e mail address. When a teacher first gets out in to the field of teaching, they should have already been building their PLN. This website classroom 2.0 is a wonderful site for beginning teachers who need a little help. On this site, you can actively participate in discussions with other educators. You can post questions on this site, and the comments start coming in. I believe that all teachers should use this website to gain insightful suggestions from people all across the world. You can chat on this site with other professionals. The site is not hard to navigate, but it is rather easy. At the top of your page, you have a navigation bar, so it will be easy to run through. I believe that when I first start teaching, i will use this website to futher my own learning, because as a teacher, you must keep on learniing new things. Overall, this website would be great for teachers who are tech literate.
I truly believe that as a professional teacher you should always back up data for your classroom. It is a very stupid mistake to nit back it up. You can possibly lose all that you have worked so hard to accomplish. I also agree that teachers should not surf the net while occupying a school building. If a teacher wanted to surf the internet while teaching, then they should bring their own personal laptop. It is not fair for a teacher to surf the net, while students are in attendance; some students may need help.
Of the brilliant things teachers can do with technology, the most important to me would be to empower kids with technology. By doing this, a teacher can set their students up for success. Technology can open many doors for students in the future. As students progress through their school years, the use of technology increases, so this is why it is good to start using technology with kids at a early age. The last brilliant thing a teacher could do is make conferencing real time. Teachers can send emails to parents via online. . Many teachers now a days send a letter home to parents everyday, if things were done online, this will help our planet by cutting back on the use of paper.
Since most things are done online now adays, i would want to sit at home and learn, than driving 20 miles to get to class in early morning traffic. Bringing you required items to class is a must. I must have my cell phone, lap top, and flash drive. I never know what the day brings so I bring all my technology along with me.
I learned that school is becoming a more successful institute for girls rather than boys. This is disturbing to learn, not only because I am a woman, because there was once a time when males were the dominant figures in the classroom. Twitter is a network that I am not quite fond of, But I can see how it helped out the teacher who was sitting in for a sick teacher. All networks have their advantages and all a person has to do is find them. It worked out well for the sit in teacher, she recieved many posts back about what the students should do after their test. As a future teacher, I will continue to learn and be technologically literate. I know that when I complete college, I will continue to focus on technology that will make my classroom run smoother. I believe that the banning of pencils and crayons is a crazy idea. Why exclude these two items that parents are required to purchase at the beginning of school? Students color and write outside of the school, and now they will not be able to be creative during their down time. As a student in Dr. Stranges class I have learned a lot about technology. I believe if I had not taken this course, I would be a technology illiterate teacher.
I think after watching the video it important to use technology in the classroom because by watching students need immediate stimulation. I believe society has come a long way from writing everything down. Technology has become widely used not only in the classroom, but also in other professions. Wesch kept me interested in the speech, with all of the clips and media that he used. I think after watching the video it important to use tech in the classroom because by watching this so many people use and students need immediate stimulation. Lets be honest, no student wants to be bored to death in class. Just as Dr. Wesch said, each generation seems harder and harder to impress.
It is important for students to post to their blogs because, it can lead to many new opporitunities for them. Posts can be seen by people all over the world. I post things in my blog because it will stay there forever. Everyone in the world who has access to the internet can access things that I have posted.
As a friend told me, we can learn about different cultures and geographical areas by reading these posts, and watching videos that may be posted.Lastly, I feel it is important for students to post their work because of the technology being used today. Introducing students at an early age to technology is only going to be beneficial to them.
The video of ps22 is wonderful and very moving. This is a great example of how blogging and posting can lead to new opporitunities. These students had to chance to sing at Madison Square Gardens. Technology is so amazing.
In my recent search of the alabama learning exchange or ALEX, I discovered it is a website to help teachers help their students succeed. It provides the teachers sample lesson plans and lessons plans from other teachers in the state. Teachers also can create a personal workspace to create their own lesson plans through the site. All teachers could use this site to plan for their classes. Whether it be drivers education, mathematics, or english. It has a very wide variety of courses that can be accessed. There are also links to access several Alabama Department of Education Program Websites. There is a distance learning option also. This takes you to the Alabama connecting classrooms educators and students statewide, or ACCESS. The site listed particular characteristics that successful ACCESS students usually possess: * are self-motivated and self-disciplined* stay on task without direct supervision* like to figure things out without direct assistance* prioritize workload effectively* can successfully work alone* are good at assessing their own progress* like working with computers and software programs* enjoy the challenge of working with new technology * are good at following instructions * use email and can create messages with attached files * can download and install programs from the Internet * can search the Web * can copy and paste from one program to another * rarely procrastinate * enjoy communicating in writing and reading the writing of others * work with others to complete projects * seek assistance when problems arise * take an active role in the learning processStudents take complete assignments, projects, collaborative work, and even tests online. Grades are reported to the students "home school" which is their high school and received with other subject grades on a report card.
This type of communication is breath taking. Using voice thread because Kaia can not read was a creative idea. It did not take her father long to connect to her classroom. This shows me how fast technology is becoming. At first her blog started out as a way to share pictures with family members but now it has kind of become a way to record her life events. Since kaia's dad is a teacher, he sees how technology has played a bg role in his childs life. Kaia lives in the desert and loves taking pictures. She also loves her daddy. Kaia created a photo essay that was very creative on her part.
Kaia's dad is a teacher and he states, "that kaia is still too young to grasp the connections she is making." I understand what he is saying but in the years down the road, kaia will be a master at communicating with people outside her hometown. Her father states that ," if we want our students to feel comfortable and be cautious online, we must be able to do the same with our own children." I feel like teaching technology begins at school, but should not stop once you get home. Technology is on going, and in the future it will be useful to everyone, especially teachers.
Parents need to grasp the fact that in their childrens future technology will play a major role in their learning. They should not just sit back and let their children do it on their own. Helping children explore technology will give them a head start in to learning.
Today I read the story about a dancing holiday. I wish we could have a day to just dance. It would be very funny and entertaining. But I know that holiday is far fetched in the U.S.
I found that the New Media Literacies project is a research initiative based within MIT'scomparitive media studies program, which explores how we as teachers might best equip young people with the social skills and cultural competencies required to become full participants in an emergent media landscape and raise public understanding about what it means to be literate in a globally interconnected, multicultural world. The goal of this program is not to replicate existing paradigms. We consult regularly with leaders in industry, the arts, public policy, journalism, education, and the nonprofit sector, trying to understand contemporary developments, identify job and internship opportunities, and pinpoint skills and knowledge which will help prepare our students for new opportunities. Students can better deal with our culture by possessing these skills. judgment, negotiation, appropriation, play, trans media navigation, simulation, collective intelligence, performance, distributed cognition, visualization, and multitasking. These are skills that involve creative expression.
I believe that they are all great skills to possess. Yes they are skills that all artists, citizens, and workers need to possess. For example employers want their workers to be able to multitask, and what good is a person who can not multitask. I possess 8 of these skills. Judgment, negotiation, play, appropriation, simulation, performance, visualization, and multitasking. I can acquire the other skills when I get more in depth with technology.
This video shows how and why students should be technologically literate. First students should build their PLN. Once they create a blog, they can start to comment on blogs from around the world. Although blogs reflect opinions rather than facts, a student should not be drawn away from it, but rather want to add their opinion. You never know who can benefit from your blog. I have done things this semester in class that I have never done before. Like using the websites delicious and wikispaces. I want to be able to give my students a head start in the technological world. If they are not introduced to it early in life, it will be harder to teach it to them later in life. I feel like I am very prepared to be a teacher of networked students. I can take everything I learned from this class and teach it to my students. It will be beneficial to everyone in the future. I really want to know how things will work out with Mrs Drexlers middle school class. I'm sure things will turn out great.
As Richard Miller stated, I also was brought up in a house full of books. I use to love to pull out books and read, until I first used a computer. After that first time, I was hooked to a point where I thought everything should be done on the computer. Today I have kind of strayed away from that theory, because I found out that computers crash. The internet is a place where things live forever. You can go online to see how our leaders vote. Computer scientists can put together a visual representation of whale hunts by Inuit Alaskans. Many people are shocked and pleased by the success of academic lectures according to Richard. Information on the internet should be shared with everyone. I believe I would be ready to write with multimedia. I do believe if things were more technologically centered in the schools, students will be more ready for the future, if they plan on attending college. My students will be able to use technology better by the time they leave my class. I am a teacher who would use technology to my advantage in the classroom.
An ipod is a device that can function These devices have several unique features for intriguing educational opportunities. Portability - can take to different sites and move around within a location, social interactivity - can exchange data and collaborate with other people, context sensitivity - can gather data unique to the current location, environment, and time, connectivity - can connect hand helds to personal computers to create a true shared environment, and individuality - can provide unique scaffolding that is customized to the individual's path of investigation. IPods are not replacements for learning, but are rather tools to aid in the learning process. Many teachers think this will become a distraction in the classroom, but in reality it will incease students awareness of technology and how to use it in the future. This is one site I found useful for this assignment. Here is the link
The Internet is an important communication tool for teachers and administrators. Educators can take advantage of this tool by learning to create purposeful and well-designed Web sites targeted at their students, the parents of their students, other teachers, and community members. This will be very useful to me when I start teaching because I can post pictures of activities that my students did on the web. This way their parents can go online and actually see what their children did and actually learned. Web design can also be beneficial to parents as well, they can comment on the activities that their children participate in and see what goes on day by day in the classroom. This would also be a great way to keep in touch with the new technological generation. Students can leave out of my classroom and take information with them that will be beneficial to them for the rest of their lives.
Today I commented on a young girls love for star wars for my comments for kids. Sadly, I had to let her know that I was not a star wars fan, but i would talk to my sister about it because she is.
Mr. Clung talks about how to read a crowd. He says you should let your audience drive your instruction. You should also be flexible, do not dwell on lessons that did not work well for you, just strive to do better next time. Communication is the best medicine. Communication is the pathway to building that much desired rapport with fellow teachers. As a teacher we should try to be reasonable. Our job as teachers is to simply pick them up after they fail, dust them off, and encourage them to try again. As a teacher technology can make a big difference, we should not become overwhelmed by technology and simply give up before we start. We should use the valuable time we have to figure it out. It is important to take interest in the lives of our students. Lastly, a teacher should never stop learning. Use all the available resources to build up on your intelligence. After all we are teachers. Mr. Clung says soak up as much information as we can. This essay is amazing , and I can really relate to the topics. In order for me to be an effective teacher, I must listen to my students, use technology, be reasonable, and communicate with my students.
Wikipedia will never be a reliable source because everyone can change the content of articles. If one person adds wrong information, this misleading information affects many people, especially college students. College students are always hunting for information online for papers and etc. Wikipedia will only be a trusted source of information when one person who actually knows their material is the only one who can change information. There should be a way for people to e-mail the owner of wikipedia; if they want to add information or chgange it.
This was a very motivating speech made by a wonderful man. He used many great learning techniques while on this earth. During the lecture, Pausch was upbeat and humorous, alternating between wisecracks. Although Mr. Pausch was dying he made it feel okay to be dying. He showed everyone that just because he was dying, did not mean that he did not achieve his dreams. Pausch found out that he could enable peoples dreams, when he had a student in his class named Tommy Burnett.This led Pausch to conduct a virtual reality class at Carnegie Mellon, to teach others as well as help them realize their childhood dreams. Mr. Pausch gave insights on computer science and engineering education, advice on building multi-disciplinary collaborations, working in groups and interacting with other people, offering inspirational life lessons, and performing push-ups on stage. Working with other people is a plus in the field according to Pausch. . He makes the point, many times, that you need to have fun in everything you do, you need to live life to its fullest because you never know when it will be taken from you. I believe that Mr. Pausch wanted his children to have something to remember him by, so he gave his last lecture. Words can not begin to explain how saddened i am by reading up on the life of this influential man. I do not know him personally, but watching this video makes me feel like I do. Mr. Pausch has taught me that life throws many obstacles at you, but you just have to stick it out, for better or for worse.
It is so crazy how technology is a good idea and a bad idea for some jobs. From seeing this video I can not even imagine how many people have been put out of jobs because of technology. Sooner or later, mail delivery will be cut out permanently; because no one sends letters anymore, they use the Internet to pay bills and send things. I know that as a future educator I will be interacting with technology everyday; whether it is sending emails to teachers, or putting grades in the computer. I just hope we do not have a re enactment of the industrial revolution.
Mr. Needlemansskype visit was weird. It sort of creeps me out what technology is capable of these days. I am glad I have the chance to become tech literate.
With computers being around for years, most teachers should know how to use them. But, many teachers do not. It is so many different things that a teacher could do to become more tech literate. They could go to the library, or ask tech literate teachers for help. It is very important that teachers of this day and age are tech literate. Why? Because most kids will be on the Internet most of the day. When my children get ready to go to school, I want technology to play a major role in their learning. Kids love to work on the computer, it is fast and makes students want to learn. When I first worked on a computer, my teacher had to pull me away from it. It was so fun and bright, I did not want to get up. Teachers need to incorporate the computer in to any work that they can. Kids can become tech literate, but at the same time, gain information that they will use for the rest of their life.
I believe the kids whom we communicated with are awesome. The have a great sense of humor. They dress up and make movies. When I was growing up, we did not do things like that. The stories that these kids write, are wonderful. They really seem to grasp the concepts of learning, well.
As a future teacher, i must know that technology will play a big role in my future. But technology is not what education is all about. Technology is useless if you do not know how to use it. We must first be learners in order to teach children. The same teachers who use technologies effectively and in powerful, innovative ways are the very same teachers who do everything effectively and are always looking for ways to continue learning and innovate. Once these teachers learn new things, they can pass it on to future teachers. This cycle will continue because technology changes everyday. Because technology is everywhere, kids of the future will be technological geeks. They will be familiar with new styles of teaching.
This video captures my life as as college student to a tee. The video showed me that when I leave college I will be in debt. But hopefully I can find a job and be able to pay people back. Everyday as a college student you have to stay up to date on lessons. I am in class for 6 hours a day. If you miss a class then that is your problem; not the teachers, classmates, or professors. When you are in school, you have to devote your time to it. Many college students work, and it is a hassle for them to wake up in the morning to get to school on time. Although in most of my classes we do use text books, I never learn anything from them. I would rather a teacher do a power point on the board. Like the video shows, I am on facebook at least 10 times a day. I have to learn how to use all types of media this semester, that I know nothing about. To more accurately represent my college life, the producer should add that as a single mother, it is hard to provide for children, work, and go to school. Trying to find a affordable day care is also a problem that single mothers have. I have three responsibilities and that is school, work, and caring for my child. Doing all three is a hard job, but so far I'm getting it done.
The Eagle Nest Radio podcasts were very informative. The young girl and boy narrating this podcast, have very strong voices. The students are taking us on a tour of ancient Egypt. This is great because it gives students time to interact with other students, and people from around the world. I have learned that kids as young as 7 can use podcasts to communicate with people all across the world. Knowing that children are tech literate at an early age, makes me feel like I am out of date. Kids are doing podcasts all over the country, which is amazing. The many technologies that teachers put to use, often pay off in the future. Students can leave school knowing more about technology than ever before, ready for whatever jobs that need tech literate employees. Today it pays to be tech literate because mostly all jobs now include doing something on the computer.
The students from last semester, did a very good job on their pod casts. One improvement that can be made is to have the presenters should speak up a little more. I would be talking as loud as I can, so that people listening to my podcast can hear me. Since I have never done a podcast, I can not wait till I get to do mines. The setting of this video cast is boring, it makes you not want to do work. To make my podcast better than this video cast, I would use bright colors in the background. I would also like to have a more interesting topic than the tech literate teacher. Hopefully we will get to choose our topics for this presentation. Hopefully before my presentation I can come up with more ways to make my presentation better.
From my understanding, podcasts are radio shows that people download to the internet. The first Smart Board Lessons podcast is done hundreds of miles apart. This shows how big a role technology plays in our everyday lives. The co host Joan is miles away, yet she can connect to people all around the world. This is a great podcast for soon to be teachers because Ben and Joan give lots of informative information about teaching, like end of the year ideas. Teachers whom have been teaeching for a while can give new teachers a better understanding of classroom management. Jaon and Ben talked about applications on your i phone that would be great for everyday life and life in the classroom. In the EdTechTalk podcast teachers are giving advice about google docs. This particular podcast is done on my brithday, which goes to show you how big a role technology plays in everyday life. Google likes to move quickly to make google more accessible to students and teachers. Now on google docs you can create your own templates. Mac Break weekly talked about kids who just got back from Japan. 2 Kids sat and got interviewed and talked about how different their culture is from ours. Both kids would like to return to Japan if they could some day. Taking a couple of minutes out of my day to listen to these podcasts gave me a better understanding of how they are done. I had no iead they were radio shows. Now that i know how to view podcasts, I will be on iTunes frequently. Some parts of these podcasts were very boring. But good thing you can skip through the boring parts to get to the parts you want to hear.
Because technology changes so quickly it is easy to get confused. I think voicethread is one of the best tools for students at the age level you teach, they can learn audio, to speak in a topic sentence, and also taking photos and uploading them. Technology also lets teachers get things accomplished at a fast pace. Instead of handing out test papers and having them fill in the blank, a teacher could do it on the computer. This way all a student has to do is click a button. Students should be hands on everyday at school. Ms. Davis gave these kids a chance to integrate learning with technology. Many schools do not get these types of opporituninties. Learning while having fun is a big plus to school age children.
Creativity is severely undermined in schools. Teachers prefer you to be academically talented so you can succeed in life. Although nothing is wrong with a teacher wanting the best for a student, Some students are creatively talented and do not get praised for it. Which is a shame because who knows where their creativity could take them. They are pushed by teachers to make A's and B's, when they try their best. I also believe that creativity is as important as literacy in schools. But teachers attempt to do the right thing by making students keep their heads in their books. Teachers should pair lessons with creative activities. This way teachers can build upon students creative side.
Viewing this short clip has made me realize what an important part technology plays in our everyday lives. People who train for jobs dealing with computers will have to stay up to date on new technologies, because it changes in the blink of an eye. Who knows what type of technologies will be invented in the future.
Because computers transmit data so quickly, the Internet is the fastest way to send and receive important information. As soon as you hit a button, you are connected to various websites. Computers do have their way of industrializing things. Take the post office for example, in the years to come people will not want to pay to send mail, because they can send it through the Internet for free.
Mr. Winkle Wakes never thought that the world would be so different after 100 years, but many things can change in 100 years. I believe that in 100 years schools will be the same. Many people rely on the public school system for their education and doing away with public schools would put them at a grave disadvantage.
Education never seems to change; you constantly write, learn, and take exams on taught material. That is all you can do in a school setting. So that is why I believe schools will be the same in 100 years.
I am a 21 year old college student living at home with my family. I work at food world in the afternoon. I have a 9 month old daughter whom I love to talk about. I am at south because i want a good education from a prestigious school.
To all my classmates my name is Margaret and i am an elementary education major. I have a daughter named Destiny and I love to talk about her. I also work at food world. I am at South because I want to work with kids in the future, and I want a great education.