Friday, September 25, 2009

What I've Learned this year

Mr. Clung talks about how to read a crowd. He says you should let your audience drive your instruction. You should also be flexible, do not dwell on lessons that did not work well for you, just strive to do better next time. Communication is the best medicine. Communication is the pathway to building that much desired rapport with fellow teachers. As a teacher we should try to be reasonable. Our job as teachers is to simply pick them up after they fail, dust them off, and encourage them to try again. As a teacher technology can make a big difference, we should not become overwhelmed by technology and simply give up before we start. We should use the valuable time we have to figure it out. It is important to take interest in the lives of our students. Lastly, a teacher should never stop learning. Use all the available resources to build up on your intelligence. After all we are teachers. Mr. Clung says soak up as much information as we can.
This essay is amazing , and I can really relate to the topics. In order for me to be an effective teacher, I must listen to my students, use technology, be reasonable, and communicate with my students.

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