Friday, September 4, 2009

Eagle Nest Radio Podcast

The Eagle Nest Radio podcasts were very informative. The young girl and boy narrating this podcast, have very strong voices. The students are taking us on a tour of ancient Egypt. This is great because it gives students time to interact with other students, and people from around the world.
I have learned that kids as young as 7 can use podcasts to communicate with people all across the world. Knowing that children are tech literate at an early age, makes me feel like I am out of date. Kids are doing podcasts all over the country, which is amazing. The many technologies that teachers put to use, often pay off in the future. Students can leave school knowing more about technology than ever before, ready for whatever jobs that need tech literate employees. Today it pays to be tech literate because mostly all jobs now include doing something on the computer.

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