Friday, October 9, 2009

Richard Miller

As Richard Miller stated, I also was brought up in a house full of books. I use to love to pull out books and read, until I first used a computer. After that first time, I was hooked to a point where I thought everything should be done on the computer. Today I have kind of strayed away from that theory, because I found out that computers crash.
The internet is a place where things live forever. You can go online to see how our leaders vote. Computer scientists can put together a visual representation of whale hunts by Inuit Alaskans. Many people are shocked and pleased by the success of academic lectures according to Richard. Information on the internet should be shared with everyone.
I believe I would be ready to write with multimedia. I do believe if things were more technologically centered in the schools, students will be more ready for the future, if they plan on attending college. My students will be able to use technology better by the time they leave my class. I am a teacher who would use technology to my advantage in the classroom.


  1. I am pleased that you want to use technology in your classroom.

  2. I agree, I also want to use tech in the classroom. It has become very important to me
