To all of my fellow future educators, hang in there we are almost done. I enjoyed having this class with you guys, so bye for now and I will see you all next year. Have a happy Christmas and a happy new year. Thank you Dr. Strange for making me technologically literate.
From Dr Strange's class I have learned a lot. Before coming into this class, I thought I was technologically literate, but now i know that I was not. Now that I have taken this class, I have learned many new and innovative things. The most favorite things that I learned, and would like to take in to the teaching field are the use of blogs and PLN's. When I started my blog, I thought that it would just be for a grade, but I found a part of myself that I never knew existed. I found the technologically literate Margaret. Blogging was a great start for me, and after blogging, I learned how to use skype. Skypeing is totally amazing, I never thought that you could do something like that for free. Now that I know, I will be using it in the future. This class excited me because I wanted to learn more about technology, and in the past I have not had good teachers. One of the most treasured part of the course is when as a class we commented on kids blogs from all across the world. This was very amazing because the kids actually blogged us back. The use of iTunes was also a great experience. You can create pod casts and listen to other pod casts that people made. How AMAZING. The use of google docs is also something that I want to take with me into the teaching field. You can create documents for free, and you can save them to the site. With this use of technology, kids can be free of junk drives and floppy disks, which are a hassle. One of the most creative things i did in this class was use google earth. You can type in any part of the world, and go there right then. I used this with my family to show them how to navigate through it. They loved it and i did too. Personally the only thing that I did not like about this class was the use of foliotek. I believe that foliotek is not worth our hard earned money. Many teachers I know also despise the system, we may never use the portfolio in our professional teaching life. All of the things i used in this class will be helpful to me in the future. Many of them are things I have never heard of and now that I have taken this course I know of. i am thankful for having a technologically literate teacher to show me the way to being technologically literate. I was never bored at any point in this class. Although the work was sort of lenghty, I did it and am proud of myself, because for a long time I wanted to drop the course because of the work load. The only thing about this class I would change is the workload. I believe the workload was unreasonable for college students with many other classes. Nothing about this class challenged me intellectually. Now after taking this class, I consider myself a technologically literate future teacher. I would rate myself as being great. In the future, I will be building up on what I have learned so far in this class, and I will be doing things to show my students how to become technologically literate. I will continue to pursue the many new technologies that will be introduced in the future.